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Browse Some of Our Ministries

Young couples (both married and pre-married) Bible study is designed to provide teaching and life lessons to help develop a deeper relationship with each other. Fusion Ministries offers free couple's counseling, Bible study, marriage workshops, and special events to help build marriages and bring them closer to God! Visit Fusion Ministries Facebook page  for more information and upcoming events.

Youth Alive is a place where the young, and the young at heart, can come together for a time of fellowship, intimate worship, and a short Bible based message. Come play basketball, four-square and other games before the service from 7-8 p.m. The service is from 8-9 p.m. and followed by food, games, fun, and prizes from 9-9:30 p.m.

Youth Alive meets at New Harvest every Saturday night from 7-9:30 p.m. Food will be served, such as pizza, fries, ice cream, snacks, and drinks.

Youth Alive is a community outreach, so bring your friends! Visit Youth Alive's Facebook page for more information.

Mothers of Grace is a mom group that meets the second Saturday of every month from 10-noon at New Harvest Christian Fellowship. We spend time in the Word, talking about parenting and problems we face as mothers, sharing with each other, and praying together. We have free breakfast and free babysitting for the moms who need it, and we do a fun activity together every time we meet! This group is open to the community so feel free to invite your friends and come out on the next second Saturday and join us.

For more information see our Facebook page

Praise Ministries International is a support ministry. From the beginning, our philosophy has been to enable nationals to reach their own people. We have had many large crusades on our trips to Asia, but more and more feeding programs and drilling. Praise Ministries was formed 1980, and we have reached out in a number of places across the world. At the present time we are zeroing in on India and Sri Lanka.

16144 Waterloo Road, Amissville, VA 20106 | P.O. Box 180 Amissville, VA 20106 |  540.937.2668

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