Our Mission
The thrust of ​the ministry is to equip the church to "go about doing good, and healing all those who are oppressed by the devil."
Acts 10:38
Our History
New Harvest Christian Fellowship began in July 2000, meeting at the Viewtown Store. NHCF is a church plant from Agape Christian Fellowship in Chantilly, VA, where Pastors’ Duane and Kent ministered as Elders and Pastors for many years. After moving the pastors to Amissville, the Lord, by His wisdom and grace, allowed New Harvest to begin. Having purchased land and building a church facility, NHCF moved into it’s new building on January 11, 2009. We are ever grateful for the Lord’s blessings and guidance.
Our vision
NHCF's vision is a strong emphasis on praise, worship, intercession, spiritual warfare, body ministry, and teaching from the Word of God. The thrust of the ministry is to equip the church to "go about doing good, and healing all those who are oppressed by the devil."
Read our By-Laws for more details.
Meet our Pastors

Pastor Duane Willoughby and his wife, Pamela, have served most of their lives in ministry. Though both Duane and Pamela have suffered the loss of a beloved spouse, The Lord brought them together as a dynamic team in ministry. Duane's 4 children serve along side him in ministry at NHCF. Pamela's 3 children serve in various ministries in Virginia and North Carolina.

Pastor Kent Willoughby and his wife, Mary Jo, have been married for 34 years, and are blessed with two children. Their oldest actively serves in the ministries at NHCF, and their youngest is pastor at a church near Blacksburg, VA.
Pastor Duane and Pastor Kent have been serving in the ministry since they were teenagers, and have pastored for over 30 years. Born in Massachusetts, raised in Fairfax City, VA, they and their families moved to Amissville in 1994. Beginning with a ministry to the youth in early 2000, they were led to begin a non-denominational, family-oriented, Spirit filled, Bible teaching church. In mid-2000, New Harvest Christian Fellowship began meeting at the Viewtown Store. On January 11, 2009, NHCF met for the first time in the new facility the Lord provided.